Our environmental commitment

Multicom will ensure that it is positively contributing to society and the environment.

Implementation of initiatives that result in community benefits, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, environmental enhancements and reduced consumption are a focus and have commenced in the project development phase.


Multicom’s environmental obligations are governed by the stringent conditions set out in the company’s granted environmental authority and EPBC Act approval managed by State and Federal governments respectively.

The environmental impact statement and associated offset strategy for the Saint Elmo Project can be located at www.saintelmoproject.com.au.

We have a great responsibility to the land that sustains us. We are embarking on a fully integrated ESG strategy. Going beyond just compliance, this aims to enhance the local environment through habitat restoration and also integrates reduced water consumption and energy saving strategies.

The low impact of our operation and the opportunity for ecological enhancements are evident in the proposed investigation of managing Julia Creek Dunnart habitat, re-establishment of Mitchell Grass Downs and the targeted removal and eradication of Prickly Acacia.

Social Impact Managment Report (SIMR) 2024 

SIMR 2024

Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Compliance Report 2023-2024

Receiving Environment Monitoring Program (REMP) Report 2023-2024

Annual Noise Quality Monitoring Report 2023-2024

Annual Air Quality Monitoring Report 2023-2024

Air Quality 2023-2024